subnovii plasma pen

Subnovii Advanced Plasma Technology by Cartessaâ„¢ is an FDA-cleared treatment known as plasma fibroblast therapy (or plasma skin resurfacing) that delivers low-frequency energy to rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Subnovii is the most advanced plasma technology available today, and the first plasma device that uses LF+ technology: low-frequency + a patented wavelength and power combination. This exclusive energy output allows for more precise applications and reduced healing time.

Cami has been specially trained by a certified Subnovii rep, and has the technique to deliver the best possible, that can last up to 10 years! Usually only one treatment is needed, but it can be repeated for more amplified results. 

The most popular treatment options are:

-Lose Upper Eyelids

-Under Eye bags

-Reduction of Fine Lines: smokers lines, crows feet, frown lines, necklines. 

-Skin Tag Removal

-Eye Brow Lift

Price: $300+

Who Should consider subnovii plasma pen?

.-Anyone 22 years old and up that have concerns with fine lines, wrinkles, sagging or puffy eyelids!

-Must have not taken Accutane 12 months prior to treatment.

-Those that can stop using topical agents that may increase sensitivity of skin: i.e. retinoids, 5-7 days prior

-Those can discontinue use of any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil for 3 days prior to treatment.

- Those that can avoid IPL/Laser procedures and unprotected sun exposure or sunburn for 2 weeks prior

-If you do not suffer from hyperpigmentation or PIH

-Those with light-medium skin tones

-Those that can prepare for the appearance of small dots in the treatment area for up to a week. Makeup can not be worn until all scabs have fallen off.

what do i expect during treatment?

.-After thoroughly evaluating your skin and explaining the treatment to you, Cami will begin by using a topical anesthetic on the treatment area to avoid discomfort. Once the numbing has set in (about 30-40 minutes later) Cami will cleanse your skin with alcohol.

-A smoke evacuator will be used in the room, which sounds like a large fan. Cami will then begin to make a series of small plasma "blasts" on the surface of the skin, that will appear similar to small, very superficial pinpoint burn marks.

-Laughing gas (nitrous) is also available to use during the appointment for comfort and relaxation.

when will i see results?


After the small dots have fallen off, usually within the first week, the skin will already appear slightly tighter in the area. It will continue to improve in appearance and tightness for the next couple months. Optimal results are usually seen at 3 months.  

how do i get started?

If you fit all the requirements listed above, feel free to book a Subnovii appointment with Cami! If you have more questions, or are not sure if you are a candidate feel free to email and she will get back to you as soon as possible!