
Sculptra is an injectable bio-stimulant.

It is not a filler but instead it activates your own collagen cycle in the areas it is injected.  With age, your skin’s natural collage supply decreases and you’ll start to notice wrinkles and other signs of facial aging.

Sculptra restores your own collagen gradually, and stops the aging process with lasting results. Most people report significant improvement even at 2-3 years after their injections! This is a perfect treatment who are looking to reverse aging without injection of typical hyaluronic acid filler.

Price: $850+

Who Should consider sculptra?

Sculptra is for those who are in good health and are over 20 years old. If facial lines and sagging skin are a concern for you, Sculptra would be a great option for you!

what do i expect during treatment?

First, we create a treatment plan that’s customized for you. Initial treatment needed to “boost” collagen is approximately 1 vial per decade of life but this is assessed for accuracy at your appointment. Sculptra is usually given over a series of appointments over about three months. The loss of collagen is gradually replaced over this time.

when will i see results?

Results from Sculptra are gradually improved. Optimal results are achieved in a few months and can last for up to two years!

how do i get started?

Schedule an appointment with the injectors at Wild Birch Aesthetics!

*Pricing based on standard treatment costs, for the most accurate pricing a personalized consultation is required. All appointments start with a consultation so please schedule for the procedure that you’d like to receive.